Thursday, August 28, 2008

Golf at Bethpage State Park

The 1st hole.

From the 18th teebox.

I've been talking about playing the Bethpage Black course in Bethpage, NY for years. The Black course was the site of the 2002 U.S. Open and the 2009 U.S. Open will be played there. On August 25 and 26, Mike O'Neill and I went up to Long Island and played the Green course on Monday and the Black course on Tuesday. I probably should have followed the advice on the sign on the first hole. It was extremely challenging but a lot of fun. Great golf...great food... and great company!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

More Party Pictures!

Here are pictures of me reading my poem, the rocket ship pinata, and playing pin the tail on Strawberry Shortcakes Dog!

Monday, August 4, 2008

The Big 50!!

Ok, so I turned 50 on Friday and I threw myself a big party with 45 in attendance. We played games, had a pinata, and I read a poem I had written for the occasion after which I did 5 count them 5 cartwheels! Our first game was a whoopee cushion relay race where you had to run down while blowing up the whoopee cushion with a straw then you had to sit on it where in it would make a silly noise. The next game was a memory game where the guests paired up and the loser won the prize (they found that out after the game was over). We also played pin the tail on Strawberry Shortcake's dog with a pair of glasses smeared with Vaseline. The space ship pinata contained bags of prunes, antacids, muscle ache cream, joint therapy pills, "50 sucks" suckers, tapioca pudding cups, and glow bracelets. I am including the poem I wrote and I will post additional pictures as soon as my photographer gets them to me. I think everyone had a good time and I had a blast seeing everyone play those games!!

Ok, so it's true, I'm getting old
I'm "over the hill" so I am told.
I need to wear glasses especially to read
And my memory has already gone to seed.
Gravity isn't nice to me anymore
Things keep drooping closer to the floor.
I have little hairs popping up on my face
And brown liver spots all over the place.
I have varicose veins, my circulation is poor
My knees are achy, my joints are sore.
I am losing my hearing, I can't eat late at night
Sleep now avoids me, mood swings I fight.
No more jumping on trampolines for me
No sneezing, laughing, coughing or I'll ____
I do enjoy the little things like...
Talking to grand kids on the computer some days
Loving music in all different ways.
Friday date night with my special man
An occasional matinee movie when I can.
The best part about all of this is you see..
Ray is 3 years 9 months older than me!!!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Birthday wishes for Nana

Nana turns fifty today! The grandkids wanted to send some greetings on this special event.